Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Picasso blog

how I communicated through my work? I communicated through my work by using the style of Picasso. Making my message harder to look for and find because in his artwork it took time to realize what the message was. In my artwork the message is we're all living in the universe just trying to figure it out like a puzzle. Although this piece doesn't look very hard, and there isn't much detail it was hard trying to figure out the message and the idea. Also relating it to Picassos artwork. In his artwork you really had to look for the message and it wasn't just  given to you. My artwork may just look like a lot of circles and lines but when you take the time to look at it there's a message. 
I created original art!
In Picasso's art he used a lot of dark colors and then my painting I use a lot of vibrant colors. Picasso went there to time where his artwork was either in the blue stage or the rose stage was when he created paintings only with blue and with light reds. His two time periods was based on his mood where blue was depression. Most of his blue paintings were sad.  My art had no specific mood. In his famous our work called teacups it was i'm clear the message where you had a really take the depth of the picture and find it. although my message is not directly in the paining and has a story. In an art piece by Picasso he has two bold stripes representing a border so I incorporated his artwork of the borders into mine. 
I took risks! 
I took a lot of risks and this painting. I now only did two sketches I tried a lot of different ideas, with paint and sharpie. My sketches don't really look like my final. I gave up in my sketches and just try to a different thing for my final. In the end I didn't go based off my sketches or have a plan I just went with the flow. painting was the hardest part because I had to make sure I incorporated by painting with the borders. The color choice was also hard and knowing where to place the colors. I ended up becoming happy with this piece, I like tower used Picassos our sound to make my own art.