Over time you can see how the hand drawings got a lot better. In the beginning you can tell I didn't know how to use proportion. In my first letter L you can tell how my fingers were to skinny for my hand. In the first hand I you can also see how I only focused on the hand, not the wrist. In my hand I redrew I focused on the hand, but the wrist and background as well. In both drawings I used value. You can tell in the second hand I took my time and used the value carefully. Also the first hand I drew doesn't look realistic, in the second hand, you can tell it's my hand. You can tell just by the two hands how much I have progressed as an artist.
2. What was your most successful project this semester? Describe this project and your work, then explain why you picked it.
To me my most successful art project was the parody project. I took a painting from the artist ,Margritte. In his painting he had the bird flying in the day time sky. In my drawing I drew a bird flying in a sunset. This was my most successful project because I remember I took the most time on this one. I also used the most color and contrast on this project. I love Margritte's work and I was happy I could do a parody of his work. I also like how my bird in the clouds pop from the sunset. I enjoyed doing this project and I was very happy with the outcome.
3.Do over- What was a project this semester you would change if you could? Describe the project and your work, including what do you didn't like about the work, then explain what you could have done defferently to improve the result.
If I could I would re-do any of my projects it would be the space project. I was very unhappy with the results. I did this project in one day because I kept messing up the rough draft. If I could go back in time I would be more patient with my project and not rush. I didn't like how the planets in the background looked. They looked like it was rushed and not drawn neatly. If I could re-do it I would change the whole project. I would draw the moon in oil pastel and add more value to the moon, and drawn the different stars instead of planets and have them all one color so my moon can pop out more. In the project there was a lot going in the background so the moon wasn't the main focus.
4. How did taking risks or challenging yourself make you a better artist this semester? Explain how with Examples from your work.
For one of out last projects we had to create a sculpture made out of clay. Thid was the most challenging for me because I have never arted with clay before. This was a very big risk for me because I was very scared to try and make a pinch pot. In the beginning it was hard but I figured out you have to make sure the clay is damp in order to art with. Being able to use clay made me a better artist. It showed me that paper isn't the only think you can art with. This project was very fun and made me open my eyes with the new materials you can art with.
5. What is the media that you enjoyed working with this semester? Write about what the media was, explain why you liked it and give examples of work you created with it.
My favorite media I worked with this semester was tissue paper. I loved how I can layer the paper and make it look different with all of the colors. The paper is used as a background for my art. It was very easy to work with. You just had to glue the paper down and layer it. This project was my favorite because I got to choose the colors I wanted to work with and put them how I wanted on my paper. For tissue paper you didn't have to use a specific color and you can use all the colors. You could put purple and yellow and brown and it would still look good, but if it was on paper it would mix and look bad. The tissue paper didn't take to long to long to dry either which made it easy to work with.