•I used my own unique ideas by looking at the artist Magritte and got some ideas from him. At first I was doing a project based from a tatoo, feather breaking off into birds. I tried to draw that but it was hard and I gave up. So without a project I used some ideas from the artist. In his project he had a bird and on the inside was a sky with clouds and the background was a scene from the beach at night. I did a bird in the sky but instead of a beach I did a sunset in the background.
2.) Artist collaborate
throughout this project I was asking my peers for their help about the project. When I thought I was done, they told me to do more. When I thought I was done it wasn't shaded in dark enough and just didn't look complete. My peers told me to shade darker. After I shaded they I looked at the project and noticed the bird wasn't shaded dark enough. I didn't want to do the bird so dark so I didn't know how to color it in. Then my teacher told me it was be a good idea to shade dark from light in the bird.
3.) Artist take risks
I tried tried something different durring this project. I had the idea of the feather into birds but then realized late in the process it was to hard. I was stuck and insure of what I was going to do. I looked on the internet of artist and came across Margritte's art. I tried a new method with this project. For the sunset background I had to shade and blend colors together which I am not good at. When I thought I was done I took a step back and noticed I had to shade it all darker but knowing it would be a challenge. I'm not so comfortable with blending colors together but in the end it looked good.